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  • Choosing Your Interior Decor Style

    1. Consider the purpose of the space. Think about how you are most likely to use it and how you want to feel while in it.

    2. Look up some interior design inspiration. Search around online for specific themes and styles that suit your needs.

    3. Choose a theme. Select one particular interior design theme, such as Contemporary, Modern, or Industrial, that best suits your needs and tastes.

    4. Select colors, fixtures and furnishings consistent with the theme. Be sure to choose items that adhere to the same overall look and feel. Seek out pieces that go together and create a unified, cohesive environment.

    5. Utilize accessories and accents. Utilize items like rugs, artwork and plants to bring the interior design together and add pops of color and texture.

    6. Stick to the plan. Once you’ve created the plan, stick to it and don’t deviate from the plan too much. Even small tweaks can change the entire atmosphere of the space.